The cave is an interesting cultural motif. Jesus, Mohammed, Robert the Bruce, even Batman. They all emerged from respective isolation periods reinvigorated like the mythical Phoenix. Ready to rejoin the fray: transfigured, energised and victorious. The Hero’s journey. The narrative template for every story. All perhaps except our own.
The prospect of leaving our cocoons after the ravages of COVID-19 is daunting to many. Terrifying to some. What does the world outside our cave look like now? What of global economic meltdown? Suddenly staying indoors making cocktails and baking banana bread becomes rather appealing. Logon to social media and a soothing chorus of voices floods the echo chamber: wait it out. Have a cup of tea. It’s alright don’t worry about leaving the cave.
Whilst I am not advocating breeching the government guidelines on social distancing I am aware that sooner or later we will have to mount an escape from the caves we have built. We must consider how to scale the walls of our minds and emerge into the sunlight: however scary that may be. Bravado or positive thinking play no part in this realisation. Unlike our band of Hero’s I possess no great warrior spirit. I am, however, in possession of the realisation that caves are not a place to flourish. The pragmatic reality is that all which we seek is beyond the cave.
Where do we begin? As we fumble about in the safety and comfort of our caves how do we know the way out? What will reassure us we are on the right path? Fear will provide you with an excellent compass. Go to where the fear is. Do that which you have put off, which scares you a little. The rest will take care of itself. The phone all you have put off. That email you don’t want to send. Anything which you have prefixed with: “maybe after lockdown…”. Unless it involves being within 2 meters of someone go for it!
The time has come for us to emerge from the cave and begin to survey the brave new world we now inhabit.