COVID-19 and the New World

The World will be a very different place in the wake of COVID-19. Long after the physical ravages of the invisible virus cease. The social and economic effects will echo through the generations.

Business will change. Ways of working will change. Society will change. There is a lot of uncertainty. There is a lot of anxiety. There are also some variables that can be predicted with some certainty.

One variable that appears clear is that digital mediums will increase in significance. During the crisis, traditionally non-digital businesses have flourished using digital systems in their business. Bakers are taking orders through websites. Milkmen now have apps. Fitness instructors are coaching via Zoom and Skype. Amazon and eBay purchases increased. E-commerce is flourishing in these troubling times.

The same principle can be viewed socially. Elderly isolated people are now using video calling apps. Social media use has increased. The use of platforms such as WhatsApp has increased greatly in the Elderly.

Their can be no creation without destruction. This is a difficult concept to understand but worth keeping in mind during these difficult times. In the world after Corona there will be new opportunities, new ways of business and new norms. Aligning your business with the changes is crucial.

Now is the time to develop and future proof your business. Do you have a website? An app? Can you do your business through digital interaction? Do you have an online shop? These are questions that you can work on now to be ready for the growth after the virus has passed.

If you would like a free consultation to develop an individual digital business plan get in touch. We will look at your business and provide a list of possible solutions that can be delivered to increase sales and customers. There is no obligation to avail of any services.

A New World awaits us. Those who prepare for it today will be in a much better position. We will recover and regrow from the crisis. Perhaps we will build a slightly better world in the process.