One Thing…

2020 has started with a bang! Nova May is growing and developing with a momentum I am very happy (and busy!) with. A number of other projects are coming to fruition and it is a busy period.

People have busy and complex lives. There are always competing priorities and endless tasks to complete. This can become exhausting and often we can lose sight of how to accomplish our goals. Getting caught up in the game we can forget the point of playing is to win and accomplish our goals.

I am always analysing and reviewing performance. Increasingly though as business grows and projects mount up the scope for improvement and change seems limited given the busy pace of life. 

In business and in life with a busy schedule complex changes can sometimes be challenging. We know the theoretical principles involved in accomplishing goals: attracting new customers, losing weight, getting fit etc. The steps involved can be daunting though. With busy lives often people will defer on making changes that can improve their business or personal life. “I’m just too busy” is a mantra that we tell ourselves constantly.

What if you only changed one thing though? What if you could change one thing and it would bring the maximum results for the minimum effort? This is where things begin to become interesting.

In business it is well established that 80% of profits will come from 20% of the client base. Develop this principle wider and we can see it is a universal principle. 80% of results generally come from 20% of our efforts.

This leads to the question what’s the one thing, and only one, you could change that would lead to the greatest success? It can be in business, in your personal life, with your health or relationships. There is one decision, one action, one precise change that can be made that will increase your returns exponentially.

By making a single change you can get real feedback and begin to see what works and what doesn’t. If only one single change is made it’s effectiveness can be evaluated efficiently.

In business my clients often see their biggest returns from making the single change of bringing the business online: in social media, advertising or e-commerce.

If this is a change you would like to make for your business the good news is that the process need not be difficult. Get in touch through our contact form on the website and we can outline the single change that can be made to your business to gain the maximum returns.

– James Surginor