Opportunity Knocks

Every challenge has an opportunity ….

2020. None of us will hear that year without thinking of it. It brought mayhem, carnage and all kinds of madness. As the pandemic subsides a little we brace ourselves for the coming recession. A lull in the storm. One that perhaps we can use to plan our next moves.

At times like this I am reminded of the story of Mr Honda, the Japanese car manufacturer. During the Second World War it is said that Mr Honda and his staff watched the skies as the American bombers jettisoned their fuel tanks on bombing missions. These fuel tanks were retrieved and the precious metal used in Mr Honda’s tiny business. When life threw Mr Honda lemon after lemon Mr Honda got busy making lemonade.

Importantly Mr Honda knew 2 basic but important pieces of information: he knew the War would end one day and he also knew that people would need transportation.

Are you thinking of winding down or closing your business? What if I told you that your competitors were thinking about doing exactly the same thing? That their customers and clients were about to become available and in need of your help?

Are you a restaurant or a cafe? It’s difficult. I know, believe me. It reaches a point where the numbers just don’t add up anymore. But what if I told you that half of the cafes and restaurants within a mile of you were closing? Suddenly feel a little burst of energy and hope?

If you are thinking of winding up remember that your competition are doing the exact same thing. Those who can get themselves in a position to endure will prevail.

The virus will pass. The recession will pass. All things pass eventually. The crunch for most businesses will be navigating the highs and lows.

Always remember though: where there is adversity there is opportunity.